Nurses Support Nurses

  • The Vital Role of Comprehensive Report Sheets for New Grad Nurses

    The transition from the controlled environment of nursing school to the fast-paced and complex world of healthcare can be overwhelming. When I came out of nursing school, I felt that I had no idea what I was doing. I was searching for anything and everything that helped me feel prepared. One of my greatest fears was missing something important for the patients I was caring for. Thankfully, I was able to find various tools that helped me organize my thoughts and plan for each shift to give the best quality care possible for my patients.
  • Starting Nursing School: 3 Essential Tips for Success

    Starting the journey of nursing school can be both exciting and challenging. The road ahead is filled with new knowledge, practical skills, and the development of critical thinking abilities. To help you be best prepared, we came up with our top three essential tips to succeed in nursing school. Â